Fat to be or not to be..So last night i was looking at pictures of all of us from lastyear. I know i have put on a couple pounds, but i didn't relize how much untill then. I look soooooooo different i can't even believe it. So after i cried into a tub of icecream...J/K...I wish...Anywho i decided it's time to start dieting like REALLY dieting. So i woke up had a bowl of mini wheat's then for lunch i had 1/2 a turkey sandwitch and a strawberry shake i made with all lowfat things. I am trying to get in shape, right now i can run almost 3 miles you would think that i should be a size zero by now, BUT oh no not me the more i run the chubbier i get. So the reason why I am writing this if ANYONE and I mean ANYONE sees mr tyring to eat anything that is bad for me just slap me. I am serious you can just straight up "B@$^" slap me..I mean it....Whatever it takes....I am trying to get into a size Zero by the end of the month..LOL...Ok i would settle for a 2....So Steph we are going to sweat some of my chubbbbbbbbby butt off tonight...:-)
My desk job has been hurting my body. I am so not in good shape anymore.
But that's really awesome that you can run 3 miles. I can't even walk 3 miles without feeling like I'm going to die. So congrats to you! :)
Thanks, My chummy BUTT chugs down the raod like there is no tomorrow...::-)
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