Thursday, December 27, 2007


So tomorrow is my first O.B. appointment, I can't beleive I am going to the doctor's. I guess it finally makes it truly official. I swear I am starting to show already which seems impossible. When I got pregnant with Connor I didn't start showing untill about six months. I swear there might be twins growing in my belly. I am going to be the size of a house by the time baby arrives...I also am going to be traveling to Texas for a month I am leaving Feb. 9th and I'll be back March 15th. I am a little nervous now that I am pregnant. I'm am hoping that my body will be coping well by then and the month that I'm in Texas goes smoothly. So wish me luck tomorrow and for my upcoming Texas trip..:-)

Baby Number 2

So this is what I have learned with being pregnant with baby #2.I have found myself very tired, and I hate to say it's because I'm a little older but the truth is well I am. I hate to complain, but this little one is kicking my butt. I have been so tired I can't believe it. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept until 7:00 this morning. I can't remember sleeping that long in forever. I have no appetite and have lost like 4 pounds in the last week. I guess that's better than getting sick, so I'll take losing my appetite.:-) I have not had Rylan this week which has been nice, but next week I'll have her for three days, so that means I won't be getting to bed till 11:00 which is really going to stink. I have no idea how I'm going to stay up that long...:-(...I'm sure I'll manage if I don't her parents will just have to wake me up..:-)Well thats about it. I am sooooo tired and can't eat, but I never had that problem with Connor, so this is really different to me...I thought I would let everyone know for the future..."NEVER EVER TOUCH MY BELLY" unless I have given you the o.k. THANKS..:-)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Finished Product....

So this is the final result at my attempt to make a Gingerbread House.. I know it's a little sad, but Connor and I worked really hard..So enjoy the beauty that is the Schenk Gingerbread House..:-)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Building a Gingerbread House

The first step in building a gingerbread is finding a participant who is willing to get a little messy...

Exhibit 1#...Connor
Next have him do all the mixing...
Then have him do it by hand you will get the best results that way

After cutting bake and decorate.....I will continue tomorrow....anticipation is GREAT!!!!!!!!

Baby Schenk...

So Ryan and I finally both decided it was time that we started adding to our family. So in August we will be welcoming a new little Schenk. I am very excited. I did not expect to get pregnant so fast, but the Lord had different plans for me and now we are expecting. Yes, me the person who said I was not having anymore kids is now expecting. I was telling Ryan it's not that I never wanted anymore I was so sick and tied of people asking me when are we having another one I figured it was easier to just say I didn't want anymore. So hopefully Steph doesn't read this because we are planning to tell everyone today at the Christmas party. And let me tell ya this baby is already different from Connor, I have been feeling really rough the last couple of days I am hoping that I don't get sick.. So everyone keep your fingers crossed, because I am dreading being sick...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gingerbread House

So today was the day for Gingerbread House making. I am rethinking about doing this every year. I can't believe all the steps it takes to make the house. I mean really it is a two day project.. I am looking forward to decorating it, and I know Connor will have a good time with that. I will post some pics tomorrow, and hopefully the house turns out ok. I might buy a pre-made one next year..:-) Who knows..???

Friday, December 14, 2007

Trying to save money..

So in an effort to save a little extra money...every little bits helps right? I have just joyned a coupon club I can't believe how many coupons they had. I am really trying to cut any cost I possible can, and I beleive this will be a really big change. I can't wait to see how much I am able to save on the next shopping trip. I also have been freezing leftovers and using them for the next week or two meals. Wow has that been such an amazing help. I can't beleive I never thought of that..Thanks Steph...If anyone has some segestions drop me a line. We also don't eat out at all. We never really did, but now it has to be a really special reason for us to spend our money on take out food. So any ideas just let me know..:-)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

1st Snowmobile Ride

So last weekend was Connor's first ride. He loved it, and keeps on asking when we are going to go again. It's so funny everytime he sees a snowmobile he tells us it's Aunt Kerry. So here are a couple of pics. Connor and me all bundled and readt to go.
Getting ready to head out for our Big Adventure...
...and wer'e off....
Have a fun time on the trails...
Kerry took Connor back so Ryan and I could take a longer ride....Hopefully we can go soon before he changes his mind. We had so much fun I can't believe he went and didn't cry or complain. He is such a big boy...:-)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Russell is here today, and it has been a lot of fun. I had forgotten how much I missed having him everyday. I also forgot how much Connor missed him. They are like peas in a pod. I can't believe how well they get along. Now don't get me wrong they butt heads quite, but it's really silly stuff. I have Rylan as well today, and she is just like both of them. They ask to watch Transformer movie the cartoon version after dinner which of course I said yes. They are just chilling right next to each other mouths dropped and staring at the t.v. When I watch them two play together, it really make me wonder if we should have number two. I mean I'm not kidding if you could see the two of them right now you would crack up laughing I love it...I have a snowmobile story I'll do tomorrow, so Kerry check later in the afternoon..

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Connor Update...

I have to gush a little about my little man, so enjoy the gushing. I am amazed at how much Connor has started catching on to things latley. He now can sing his ABC's, and now when we do our cleaning routine in the morning we both sing our ABC's. He also cant count to twenty which is awesome hopefully we can get to thirty in the next month or two. He can reconize letters and the sounds of them. Thanks to Leap Frogs Fridge Phonics the BEST purchase I have ever made for him. He and Rylan play with that non stop I really enjoy Leap Frog products they make learning fun. Connor is also really into arts and crafts which I really enjoy doing. We try to do at least three a week, and it's nice that I don't have to force him to do it. He is finally asking to go on the potty which is such a blessing. He has been trainded for quite a while but he would never ask to go, so it is very helpful him asking me instead of me taking him all the time. Today we went to K-MART, and this lady behide us says "your son is so well behaved he listenes really good to you". It is nice to hear things from strangers like that it makes you feel like you are doing something right. Well I could go in forever, but I don't want to start sounding CRAZY..:-) Connor really is perfect I couldn't imagine my life without my little.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Another CHRISTmas walk...

Yes, this would be the third one at least iI think so. It was a lot of fun. We went with Joy and her family. It was really nice. Roscommon puts on a parade. They have bulldozers decorated with light which Connor loved. It was a fun knight. We will be attending next year without a doubt. Me and my little sissy..
Connor playing in the snow...
Daddy trying to stay warm..
Bob and Joy...Bob trying not to smile...:-)
Connor was loving the parade..

Big Boy Bed....

So we changed Connor's crib into the daybed. Connor never tried to get out, but after much thought with me leaving for in Feb. I thought it would be easier for him to get use to sleeping in a bed. So this is Connor and daddy getting the piece for his bed.
Daddy taking the front of the crib off.
Connor showing off his MONSTER Truck's He laid down for his first nap, and was not very happy. He kept on asking us to put his bed back together. After he got over the fact that it was going to stay that way, he went right to sleep. He has slept in his bed just fine. He still ask daddy to fixed his bed, but other than that it was smooth sailing..:-)


I know it's past Thanksgiving, but I have to be original:-)j/k. I wanted to share a few things that I am thankful for this year.
1. My Salvation - Knowing that the Lord loves me, and is there for me whenever I need him has been a comfort. I don't know what I would have done without God by my side this year.

2. My Husband - In spite off all of my unique personalities Ryan is there for me, and has been my rock. I am so thankful God has brought us together.

3. My Son - I have been blessed with a full year home with my son, and even though things have been hard I would not change it for the world. I could be having the worst day, and all I need to do is look at his cute little face and everything melts away.

4. My In laws - I have been truly blessed with a wonder family. They are there for Ryan and I whenever we need them. They are truly amazing.

5. My new church - It has been a wonderful experience attending this church. (thanks Steph)... I have never felt as welcome in a church. It has started a new fire in me which has been a wonderful change in my life.

So these are a few things that I am thankful for. Although things have seemed very difficult this year, I have been blessed so many time over that it really doesn't seem that bad of a year after all.