Thursday, December 6, 2007

Connor Update...

I have to gush a little about my little man, so enjoy the gushing. I am amazed at how much Connor has started catching on to things latley. He now can sing his ABC's, and now when we do our cleaning routine in the morning we both sing our ABC's. He also cant count to twenty which is awesome hopefully we can get to thirty in the next month or two. He can reconize letters and the sounds of them. Thanks to Leap Frogs Fridge Phonics the BEST purchase I have ever made for him. He and Rylan play with that non stop I really enjoy Leap Frog products they make learning fun. Connor is also really into arts and crafts which I really enjoy doing. We try to do at least three a week, and it's nice that I don't have to force him to do it. He is finally asking to go on the potty which is such a blessing. He has been trainded for quite a while but he would never ask to go, so it is very helpful him asking me instead of me taking him all the time. Today we went to K-MART, and this lady behide us says "your son is so well behaved he listenes really good to you". It is nice to hear things from strangers like that it makes you feel like you are doing something right. Well I could go in forever, but I don't want to start sounding CRAZY..:-) Connor really is perfect I couldn't imagine my life without my little.

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