Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Another semester of school is underway, I am now in my second week and so far have not been to overwhelmed . Tonight is my first speech and I'm not really looking forward to doing it, but I know I need to so I will just SUCK it up.My goal this semester is straight A's so wish me luck.

Monday, January 18, 2010


So, last year I would have to say has been a very hard one. Ryan was laid off for almost a year. it has been very
difficult to stay afloat. We have been struggling just to make ends meet. Unemployment is not a lot for a family of four to live on. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for the Unemployment. We have started falling behind on so many things I cant even keep track anymore. It doesn't seem right to have to choose between paying you heat or electric bill. I say that to say this.

Blessing: Since the layoff I have learned so much. Materialistic things REALLY don't matter at all. Most couples fall apart in situations like this, but Ryan and I have become even stronger in our relationship than I ever thought possible. I have learned to lean on him which is very big for me. I have never leaned on anyone. I love him more than I ever thought I could.
I know that being with my family is more important than anything on this earth.

I do ask that you keep us in you prayers. Ryan now has a call back we don't know how long it will be, but we are praying the good Lord keeps him employed long enough to get caught up on our house payments. I have such a peace that no matter what our outcome is with out house or bills that all will be alright. God is so good and has taught me so much in this last year. There will be no frown on my face.