Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baby Number 2

So this is what I have learned with being pregnant with baby #2.I have found myself very tired, and I hate to say it's because I'm a little older but the truth is well I am. I hate to complain, but this little one is kicking my butt. I have been so tired I can't believe it. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept until 7:00 this morning. I can't remember sleeping that long in forever. I have no appetite and have lost like 4 pounds in the last week. I guess that's better than getting sick, so I'll take losing my appetite.:-) I have not had Rylan this week which has been nice, but next week I'll have her for three days, so that means I won't be getting to bed till 11:00 which is really going to stink. I have no idea how I'm going to stay up that long...:-(...I'm sure I'll manage if I don't her parents will just have to wake me up..:-)Well thats about it. I am sooooo tired and can't eat, but I never had that problem with Connor, so this is really different to me...I thought I would let everyone know for the future..."NEVER EVER TOUCH MY BELLY" unless I have given you the o.k. THANKS..:-)

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