Monday, November 5, 2007

Motherhood...and In-LAws

So this Sunday was a challenge for me. I am kind of a strict mom and have certain rules that I have my son follow. It was Aunt Stephie's B-day so there was cake and ice cream for her at great g-ma's house. We go there most Sunday's after church for lunch. Well Connor decided he didn't want to eat any food that great-gma made so i told him no cake or ice cream. Which i though was a good thing.I thought that would be that and he would get over it and maybe eat his meal then enjoy the rewards. Nope not the case I was given a hard time from both Great-gma and Grandma and Grandpa. I felt so horrible, because it was like they didn't think I felt bad that Connor wasn't getting his desert. Well i felt horrible, but i told him that he couldn'thave it until he ate his lunch and i am someone who sticks to her guns. So after about 15 minutes of getting beaten down i was about ready to leave. I felt so hurt that i was being made out to be some kind of monster because i wouldn't give my son cake and ice cream. I was about ready to cry when my sister's Kerry and Stephie started sticking up for me. Thanks guys i needed that. I think sometimes grandparents forget that we are their grand children's parents and they should RESPECT what we have to say. I felt so hurt and undermined that i am not ready to go back for awhile. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Ryan's family soooooo much i couldn't imagine marrying into a better family. I just don't feel like fighting for what i think is best for my son. I always go away feeling like i am the worst mom ever. I hate that feeling, and Ryan suffers on the ride home as i am usually balling to him. So on that note i am staying home for a while and Ryan is going to have to deal with the beatings. Sorry Honey...I should also say it's not like i don't want his grandparents to spoil him, but when i am around they should RESPECT what i have already told him.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hang in there Michelle! You're a great mom and you are not alone. I've had struggles in this area too and it's no fun.