Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Connor's Tree

So in decorating Connor's tree in kid ornaments I found a couple a recipes I will be trying tomorrow. Rylan will be here so we will have a fun craft to do. Hopefully the ornaments will somewhat look like the pictures that I found. If not they will still be cute for a kids tree. So wish me luck as I give it a try. I will try to post some pictures of the ornaments tomorrow along with the Christmas walk. I will be going on another one I believe this weekend, so there will be more pictures.

My Computer...

So when I got back from Black Friday, I found out that my computer wasn't working. I was stressed and Ryan call our friend Ryan to check it out. Ryan owns hih own computer business. YaY for that. I guess my Power Supply had enough of me working on my computer and called it quits. Ryan said it was so bad that he is surprised my computer didn't start on fire. I have to say so am I. So today I am burning all of Connor's pics that I haven't done yet just in case. I have been doing a good job ever since I read about Amy's computer. I could care less about all the other documents. My pictures of my Connor could never be replaced. So now that I have my computer up and running I have got a lot of school work to get caught up on. I also have to find some crafts for Connor and Ryan so we can make some CHRISTmas decorations. Connor has his own little tree and I want it to be decorated it just his decorations. We also went to another CHRISTmas walk. It was at Garland. It was so beautiful. Connor has sooo much fun. I will be posting some pics very soon. I love that as a family we are able to do fun things like that. I am very thankful for my family.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

So it's almost time for the shopping spree. I am really excited this is my first year that I can go. I am broke and am hoping to find really good deals. I will be getting things for CHRISTmas and Connor's B-day which is in February. Ryan and I aren't getting each other gifts this year(money reasons), so all i need to do is shop for kid things which I LOVE doing. I know what I'm getting my little man and hopefully can just wait till CHRISTmas to give it to him. We are leaving at 4:00am so we might be a little cranky. Which means I can push people out of my way to get what I want....:-)...He He..I guess that could work out to my advantage. Wish me luck. I hope to make it out alive, and with a little money still in my pocket..:-)

Monday, November 19, 2007

CHRISTmas Walk

We went on the CHRISTmas walk again this year. It is a nice little production that our town does every year. They have Santa and Mrs. Clause, and this year they had Reindeer. They also had a horse and waggon ride. We did it all it was sooo nice a perfect evening. I even went into the museum this year. I have lived hear all my life and that was the first time. I got to say it was really nice. Connor loved the horse ride and wanted to go on it again. His old fart parents were to cold so we just enjoyed the rest of the walk. It is nice that our community does this and I hope every one got out and enjoyed it as much as we did............ Connor and daddy watching Santa.
Me and my Little stud...
Me and my two favorite men, but i have no idea why my face is so white.
Daddy trying to stay warm on the horse ride...Sissy..
Connor Loving on the Reindeer...

First Snow

I know i promised pics of the Con man and his first snow experience of the year. Sorry so late but hopefully you enjoy. He had so much fun. I am glad i decided to wait until 9:00 instead of going out at 7:00 like Connor wanted. BrRRRRRRRRRRRR it was a little cold..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A New Tradition

So I am starting a new tradition this year with Connor. We are going to start making gingerbread houses for CHRISTmas. I am thinking about a week before we will attempt to try it. Then every year after that, until he decides his mom is lame. I am looking forward to it and know Connor will love it. He loves to do anything that involves getting messy..Which I am sure it will be. The letter of the week went really well; this week Connor can tell me the letter "A" and also knows that "A" is for angel. I am very excited and am hoping the excitement in him keeps up. He has also started memorizing lately. Just last month he really wasn't able to memorize a song. Within the past few days he is now singing "Jesus Loves Me" it is soooo cute. Today was also a Big day. Connor went pee standing up for the first time. YaY!!! I am really excited about this, because that means he won't have to sit on the potties in restrooms. Even though I bring my Lysol spay to spray the seat. It is really gross. I am just amazed at how much can change in a week with children. Connor amazes me everyday. I am so overjoyed to be his MOM and can't imagine my life without my little man.

Monday, November 12, 2007


So I am going to start to try to teach Connor his ABC's. Not only to say them but to recognize the letters to. He knows the letters in his name so that's a start right. I found this website that for each letter it has a Bible theme behind it. This week we will hopefully be learning A is for angel. We did a turkey project and he knows "T" is for Turkey. I think for Connor is helps to associate a picture with the letter. He has really been into this game I bought him it's calls Max the Monkey. He is always asking me to play "Max the Monkey game". It has a lot of pictures of different things like it will show an elephant and then show an elephant eating peanuts and you would ask what the elephant is doing he loves it. We play that one about three to four times a day. So wish me luck on the ABC's ;-)

Friday, November 9, 2007


So we got our first dusting of snow. I was really excited and hoped Connor would be to. So that morning I heard him say"Mom I'm ready to get up". He still is in a crib so i need to go get him. I walk in his room and tell him there is a surprise outside. He looks through his blinds. and says " Mom BRurrrrr ice is cold". I told him it was snow. To which he replied "Mom Bruuuuuuuuu Snow is cold". Then he looks at me and ask me if i can get his boots on. I reminded him it was 7 in the morning and we had to eat breakfast fist. After breakfast, he ask for him to go outside and play in the cold ice for some reason he wants snow to be ice. So we got all bundled up and went outside. He LOVED it. I got a chance to put all of my fall decor away while he played in the snow. The he ask me if he could ride his Gator. I got it out and he rode around in the snow for about an hour. It was soooo much fun I'm glad that he is older now and am looking forward to all the things that winter has to offer. I am hoping we can go sledding soon I know he will love it. I will post some pics later. Aunt Kerry will be happy it's snowmobile time...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Arts and Crafts

I decided to make Turkeys for raft day.. Connor loves doing them and I love them to. We try to do at least two a week. He is very good at doing them and follows directions very well. He is very precise about everything to. I think one of his favorite things is painting. As you can see from my earlier post.
Connor is figuring out how he wants to put the noodles on his Turkey....

After he decided where he wanted them he put his little fingers to work..
The Final Product....Gobble Gobble....

First Day of School

So today was Connor's first day of school. He had to get up at 7:00 and take a shower which he wasn't too happy about. Then we got dressed and were off. He was really excited despite what the pics look like. He got to play with a lot of kids for about two hrs just while I am in class. When i went to pick him up he didn't even want to leave. Which means he had a lot of fun. So I am pretty happy about the outcome at least for today..:-) He is not a morning person especially when he has to get woken up. He is just like his daddy..:-)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pumpkin Painting

So this year we didn't get pumpkins to carve. Instead we got wooden one's to paint. Connor decided he wanted to paint his hand rather than the pumpkin. He is very artistic don't you think.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Motherhood...and In-LAws

So this Sunday was a challenge for me. I am kind of a strict mom and have certain rules that I have my son follow. It was Aunt Stephie's B-day so there was cake and ice cream for her at great g-ma's house. We go there most Sunday's after church for lunch. Well Connor decided he didn't want to eat any food that great-gma made so i told him no cake or ice cream. Which i though was a good thing.I thought that would be that and he would get over it and maybe eat his meal then enjoy the rewards. Nope not the case I was given a hard time from both Great-gma and Grandma and Grandpa. I felt so horrible, because it was like they didn't think I felt bad that Connor wasn't getting his desert. Well i felt horrible, but i told him that he couldn'thave it until he ate his lunch and i am someone who sticks to her guns. So after about 15 minutes of getting beaten down i was about ready to leave. I felt so hurt that i was being made out to be some kind of monster because i wouldn't give my son cake and ice cream. I was about ready to cry when my sister's Kerry and Stephie started sticking up for me. Thanks guys i needed that. I think sometimes grandparents forget that we are their grand children's parents and they should RESPECT what we have to say. I felt so hurt and undermined that i am not ready to go back for awhile. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Ryan's family soooooo much i couldn't imagine marrying into a better family. I just don't feel like fighting for what i think is best for my son. I always go away feeling like i am the worst mom ever. I hate that feeling, and Ryan suffers on the ride home as i am usually balling to him. So on that note i am staying home for a while and Ryan is going to have to deal with the beatings. Sorry Honey...I should also say it's not like i don't want his grandparents to spoil him, but when i am around they should RESPECT what i have already told him.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick ot Treat

Connor was so excited to go trick or treating. I was shocked at how well he did. He didn't complain about his costume one time. I think once he realized he got candy he was cool with just about anything. We started at our neighbors houses. He said in his cute little voice, " Trick or Treat". Once he got he candy he was said, " Come on Mom more candy". He was so excited. He walked the whole night which was not at all like when we went to Garland. He hated his costume so much he wanted to be carried everywhere. So it was awesome to have him walk everywhere. We had such a blast I can't wait till next year. WOO HOO... Connor Getting Ready
All Dressed up and ready to go...
Daddy and Connor aka Penguin at a house getting CANDY!!!!

My Cute little Penguin...