Thursday, June 21, 2007


Ok that's it. For those who have read my myspace blog you know i am tired of people asking me "When are ya having baby number 2". I have had enough. No i am not having another baby. I love just what the Lord has blessed me with. I am ok with just one. So i am taking advice from Steph..I am infertile from now on. For those who have more and want more children are truley a blessing from God, but for me one is perfect. Ok i feel much Better,,,,:-)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I just have to add on to your annoyance with the "Isn't it time to have another one" question. People don't know how rude and hurtful this question can be. Take me for instance. 4 days after my D&C from the twins I had someone come up to me from church and tell us it was time to have another one. Do people even realize how devistating this can be to someone who is infertile or having trouble staying pregnant? So, for all those people out there who HAVE to ask such questions...I can offer you a better alternative. How about saying "Do you plan on having more children?" AND be OK with the response. Or just don't ask at all. Well, that was my ranting session. Rock on Michelle!