Almost Official
Ok, so I went and got a second opinion yesterday about how this little schenk should be delivered. I'm starting to get the feeling that know one is going to tell me what I want to hear. The Doc said if I was his wife he would say get a c-section she would ask why and he would tell her what he told me and that would be that. I think the doc's might think I'm being a little difficult.:-) Ryan has pretty much said "Babe you need to do the C-section." They are basing this on my last delivery. With the complications I had they are afraid if I have a vaginal birth it will do more damage to my body. I had a 4th degree tare which is as bad as it gets and with the scare tissue already there it's a good possibility that it would happen again. Connor also has shoulder dystocia which could have really hurt him. They are afraid of the same thing happening to this little one. Unfortunately there is no way on them knowing if that would happen forsure with this second one. Along with the possibilities that little schenk might have some physical problems that would not help the doc's move little schenk smoothly through the birth canal. WOW I'm totally screwed.:-) I have almost decided to do the C-section and it will be done next Fri. I just can't even believe that this little one is going to be here so soon. I am having a very difficult time with this decision. I mean I'm pretty sure I should have the c-section, but I'm completely SCARED out of my MIND...So maybe there will be a baby next weekend via c-section or maybe I'll just be my stubborn self and say forget it and go for the vaginal birth. Who knows I have until next Wed. to decide. So that's that. On a brighter note I totally pasted chemistry with a B- WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Now it's time to burn some books.:-)
1 comment:
Oh Michelle, I SOOOO know where you are at right now. They definitely pushed the C-section on me, with scary stories and all, up until my last appointment before she was born when the induced me. My unsolicated advice: Stick to your mommy intuition.
I definitely got treated like I was a pushy patient when I kept asking questions and kept pushing for the vaginal birth. Em had shoulder distochia too and they were worried that Sarah would be bigger. She was measuring by ultrasound over 9 pounds, and with a head the size of a 41 week baby (at 37 weeks). She was actually 8lbs, 12 oz. at birth. I had no complications delivering her vaginally, no shoulder distochia. In fact, she was coming out on her own once my body took over contractions. I think the reason why they finally decided to let me get my way was because we want more children. I guess it's not good to have multiple C-sections. Anyway, flip side of things, my friend just recently had a C-section and she said it was a piece of cake. I saw her 4 days after delivery and she was up walking around, bending over, the dog was jumping on her, she looked great. She said the incision was really small and really low, unnoticable and she was already down to tylenol for pain control. Her bleeding was next to nothing because I guess they use a suction type of a thing once the baby is out. She said she would definitely do it again, the worst part she said was the epidural and she was sick the day afterwards because of the drugs. Anyway, I know our stories aren't exactly the same, but I hope it encourages you some to read this? Good luck and we can't wait to meet little Schenk!!! We're praying for you guys!!
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