Friday, February 22, 2008

Feeling Good :-)

Finally, I am feeling like a normal human being. It has been a rough pregnancy so far, so it's nice to start feeling like myself. Jessica keeps telling me I'm not suppose to be doing a lot of things I've been doing but I can't help myself I don't know how to just kick back and relax. It has been a wonderful stay in Texas. I am enjoying the weather, and I'm glad I am missing the cold at home. Tonight we are going to a Monster Truck rally. I am so SUPER excited Connor loves watching Monster Trucks on t.v., so I can't wait till he can see them up close. I am hoping it's not too loud for him. My brother Dave got him some earmuffs so hopefully that will help, and hopefully he will wear them without a fuss. I'm ready for the weekend because Connor always to be around Audrea and he doesn't get that she has to go to school everyday. It will be nice for them to be able to hang out. I am busy trying to narrow on a baby name. It has been hard for Ryan and I to pick one especially since we don't want to find out what we are having, so we have to pick out a boy and a girl's name. I think we a finally narrowing it down. Wish us luck as we are picking names. I can't believe hoe fast this pregnancy is going for me baby Schenk will be here before we know it.

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