Tuesday, March 18, 2008


After five weeks, we are finally in Michigan. It's nice to be home. It's true when they say there no place like home. It was so nice to walk through my front door. I wish the snow was all gone, but I know it will be gone soon. It's also true that absence make the hear grow fonder. I didn't realize how much I missed Ryan. Lets just say I missed him A LOT.... While I was gone my amazing husband cleared out the spare bedroom which is going to babys room. He did such an amazing job; I couldn't hold back my tears as I was completely blown away that he did all of this while we were gone. The room looks amazing it just need a painting, and it will be all ready for baby.

While I was gone I really took a hard look at the way I live my life, and I realized there are a lot of changes that need to make. I have rededicate my life to the Lord. I have never been so unbelievably happy as I am right now. I have an amazing Christian husband and a wonderful son. And as I right this, I am reminded of the love that Ryan share from the gentle kicks i feel from the baby growing in my belly. I know I have a lot of work to do as a Christian wife, but I am ready to make the changes in my life. This trip has definitely made me realize how wonderful being Ryan's wife is. I am so glad that the Lord has brought us together.

Well I got to get back to my daily routines, but I will try to post some pics from my trip. :-)


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