Big Day...
So today was a big day for me. As everyone knows by now we have been potty training Connor. Well for the first time we went into the world with big boy underwear. I had to go shopping and thought i would give it a try. Well we had no accidents YAY!!!! I am so proud of my little Connor. He is asking for the potty all the time now, and when he has to REALLY go he even does his potty dance. I can't believe it, i am so excited to be almost done with diapers.....:-)
OMW! I am sooooo jealous. Em is not doing well with the potty at all, so count your blessings! I'm hoping that taking Em to see some friends for the day who are older and use the potty, will get her interested. Anyway, back to your good news.... Way to go Connor!
Thanks, I think it does help Connor seeing Russell using the potty.
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