I guess enjoy the pics first...
Well after having my ultrasound wednesday I now know that I have to endure a c-section. I'm super nervous about it, but I know that all will go well. At least that's what I keep telling myself.:-) Baby still looks the same except the flexed arm is measuring shorter than the other arm. The feet are still in question because the baby doesn't want to cooperate during the ultrasound. The baby is breech and it very unlikely that little schenk will be moving from this position. I have decided to deliver in Traverse City which as an hour away but they are more capable of dealing with any neonatal needs that little schenk might need. The specialist also said depending on the next ultrasound I might have to deliver in Grand Rapids which is more like two hours away. It all depends on what he sees with the next ultrasound. I guess Grand Rapids has a children's hospital and that is where this specialist is from. So they would be able to handle anything that little schenk might have. I was handling everything really well, but I think it is taking a toll on me. I've had a few breakdowns. I'm just trying to stop being such a sissy and suck it up. I know that God is in control and everything that happens is in his hands. I'm just struggling with everything right now. It is a god possibility that little schenk will have to undergo surgey to correct the arm issue, but I'm trying not to add that to the many other things that are happening now. Man I really need to stop talking about this I can feel the stress rising. I'm done.
Different note. Here is little schenk in my belly at 30 weeks. The baby is approximately 3 1/2 lbs and of course measuring a little larger that usual. I have so far gained 5 lbs, but I know that it is soooo going to catch up with me these last couple of months. Enjoy. Ignore the ghostly white belly.:-)