OK, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, but I've been super tired as my previous post stated. I will try my best to get the ball rolling again. For those who don't know I had to go see a specialist today. I had another ultrasound to see if the baby's feet were clubbed. According to the Doctor he really couldn't rule it out. In one view the baby was pointing the toes which is not normal for clubbed feet, but the in the next view it looked like the feet were clubbed. So unfortunately I'm thinking we really won't know forsure until the little Schenk is born. BUT that wasn't the best news. the doctor tells Ryan and I " The clubbed feet is the least of my concerns". I guess the arm is something the doctor is really worried about. He has been a specialist in his field for fourteen years and has yet to see a baby's arm in the position that it was. The best way I guess to describe it thanks to Stephanie:-) is Mr. Clean the entire time the baby's arm was in this position. It was a total of about 45 minutes and the baby's arm stayed in that position the whole entire time. It was really odd it seriously looks like the baby was flexing. The doctor apologized because he didn't know what had caused it or what it could be related too because it was the first time he had seen it. I have to go back in four week to have another ultrasound. I didn't think about it at the time, but I will be calling tomorrow to see if the baby's arm is like that will i need an c-section. That really freaks me out I have never wanted to have a c-section it scares the heck out of me. I'm also concerned because I might even have to switch hospitals depending on the results of the next ultrasound. So I guess I could know more next month.
Positive parts of the ultrasound the Doctor ruled out spinal bifida, baby has normal brain functions, organs are fine, and baby is very mobile which rules out quite a few genetic disorders.
After the first scare of not hearing the baby's heart beat, I decided I would give it up to God, and I did just that. I feel an unbelievable calm about the situation. Which is not like me at all. I'm high strung and CRAZY. God has definitely help me through any negative thoughts that the devil might but in my head. Don't get me wrong I want to know what is going on, and I hope to find out soon, but I know whatever the outcome God will see my family through.
Beside the Mr. Clean episode, I've been feeling really good tired but good. The baby is VERY active which always makes me feel good being able to feel him/her move. Connor is doing wonderful and is going to preschool next year two days a week which is perfect for a CRAZY mom like me. He is really excited and keeps on asking when can he go to school. I hope he will be fine until August.:-)