Sunday, February 1, 2009


So, we took Connor skiing for the first time. He had a major meltdown getting his gear on and walking all the way the the bunny hill. But as soon as daddy and Connor starting going up the hill, he all of a sudden started getting excited. He went down between Ryan's legs and loved it. He wanted to go down by himself but I was not ready for that. He went down a quarter of the way all by himself, and then he went down holding Ry's hand. He did so good we are going to start going once a week. I am going to by him some headgear for next Friday. in case he does attempt t go down the bunny hill by himself. I am not a skier but I willing to give it a shot. I went down the bunny hill and this Friday I'm gonna attempt to g down the larger one. The little girl that I babysit for went as well and loved it too. So they will be going again next week. Hopefully there will be no broken bones. Connor is so excited and cant wait to go again. I hope before the season is over he will be able to go down the bunny hill without falling all by himself.